Field Day Amateur Radio (ham) station operated by our Martin County Amateur Radio Association and Martin County ARES/RACES members will be active on 27 to 28 June, 2015 at Sandsprit Park, 3443 SE St. Lucie Blvd in Stuart, FL. Setup starts at 10 AM EDT Saturday and the event usually continues until early after noon on Sunday- mostly depending on weather.
Our Field Day station features a "Get on the Air" (GOTA) station in addition to other field day and educational activities. As a joint effort of our clubs we will have talk-ins on the Stuart repeater on 147.060+ (tones to be off during these times). All people of any age interested in communications and electronics technology are welcome to visit us, Get on the Air, and find out more about this fascinating hobby which is also a Public Service resource in times of emergency. Contact: MCARA 772-324-3078
What is Field Day?
Field Day is an Amateur (Ham) Radio exercise held on the last week end of June each year to encourage emergency communications preparedness among amateur radio operators world-wide. For the USA Field Day is our largest single emergency preparedness exercise, typically over 30,000 hams participate in the two day long event.
Field Day is a time to hone our skills and showcase our emergency preparedness as well as introduce the hobby to the public. Ham radio means different things to each person but most of all, we are a friendly and helpful fraternity of people from all walks of life and all over the world who are willing to pitch-in and do what needs to be done. Come to Field Day in Stuart, Florida or find a local Field Day event in your area. You may be surprised at who you see there- and amazed at the advanced technologies we employ for communications fun as well as emergency public service.
Among the technologies we intend to demonstrate are Amateur Satellite communications, Radio Teletype (RTTY), PSK31 (digital communications- sort of like Instant Messaging without the Internet), and of course, Morse Code (also called CW)- still reliable and relevant, but no longer required for licensing in the USA. Please join in the fun!
Below is a Google map of the Martin County ARRL Field Day location:
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