MCARA are pleased to announce our February Meeting Annual Election results as follows:
New President: Ron Schoner K4OIL
VP: Gary Webster K4GMW
Treasurer: Dick Langbert K4MMZ
Secretary: Amy Laakkonen KI4RHM
Board of Directors:
Joe Sawyer KI4OXP,
Eric Boyd W4ELB,
Arnie Dykes KH7GZ,
Lee Pennington II K4LJP,
Bob Kagel KM4DS
We wish to thank our outgoing 2014 staff for their service to the club- Thank You All. Meeting minutes for the Feb 2015 meeting are available in the Members Area under "Meeting Minutes".
Dues and Renewals Changes
Also taken under motion and approved was a call to raise annual dues from 15 dollars to 20 for Regular membership, and 22.50 to 30 dollars for Family Membership levels. This modest increase is our first ever dues increase since 1974. Thanks to all our members for your continued support.
Please be aware if your membership is in renewal status, you may renew at the old rate listed on your invoice. If your membership is now expired, you must renew at the new rates. All new members are using the new rates, this change, along with the change to anniversary renewals for memberships approved in 2014, should make it easier for folks to join us during the busiest parts of the year.
We look forward to seeing you all at the Stuart Hamfest on 21 March, 2015. If you would like to volunteer, please contact the Hamfest Chairman, Doug Shields - you do not need to be a member to volunteer to help with the event. We appreciate all our friends pitching in to support our event and keep it free of cost to attendees.